I can't quite believe it's almost Christmas...it always seems to sneak up on me..... thankfully, this year, I am ahead in the present department, just awaiting a few final items to be delivered, and a quick wrapping session, and then I am all done.
I've already started the planning for next year...there are so many things that I want to do, and so many things that I want to finish, and a billion things to get organized. It's been a crazy year this year, with a new job, a new house, and a million new ideas. I really want to get some things organized, some stash reduced, and some yarny and quilty projects completed. I've already started compiling the list (that was thanksgiving weekend's big job) of projects that are in some phase of completion, the yarn that is in a drawer or box, and the decorating items that need to be hung, or put out, or tossed.
so, I'll be prioritizing that list in the next few weeks, and figuring out exactly what I want to get done this year. I know the list won't be definitive, there are always new projects and fun things that I want to add and new things that come out, which we haven't seen yet....and I want to have time for some of those....but I really want to finish some long standing projects, and get them off the list, and into real existence.....if for no other reason than I need the space for other things....
Do you make plans for the new year??? or am I the only nerd left that still does????
Nerdily yours,

Thursday, December 10, 2015
Monday, November 30, 2015
Make a List Monday
Well, I survived the first time really hosting Thanksgiving....you know where we were in charge of the food and the cleaning and the cleanup and the hosting. It was a small affair, but it was great!!! The turkey was amazing, though the over bag was full of juice, which was a bit weird....and the bird literally fell apart when we tried to move it to the platter....but it tasted amazing, and who really needs to be Martha Stewart???
With the end of the Thanksgiving holiday, Christmas is really upon us....luckily, I don't have that many items on the to make list for gifts, but I do have quite a few deadlines for the 1st of the year...so here's what I will be working on this week to get stuff done...
1. Pattern Testing before publication on December 15th. I have 2 more to final test, and then it's ready to go!!!
2. Partial seams for Rocky Mountain Bear Claw -- I just have a couple that I need to do to finish those up.
3. Prepping some step outs for January classes.
I'm trying to get back to my #30minutesadaykeepscrazyaway . I am also getting back to the stash management process, as I work through the garage and realize again how much fabric I have in my stash....and how little chance I get to really work through my stash. I have this grand plan to work through it or get rid of it, which seems a little extreme, but really I'm at that point, I HAVE SO MUCH FABRIC! It's ridiculous. Embarrassingly ridiculous.
So...that's the plan for the week!!!
What are you working on this week???
With the end of the Thanksgiving holiday, Christmas is really upon us....luckily, I don't have that many items on the to make list for gifts, but I do have quite a few deadlines for the 1st of the year...so here's what I will be working on this week to get stuff done...
1. Pattern Testing before publication on December 15th. I have 2 more to final test, and then it's ready to go!!!
2. Partial seams for Rocky Mountain Bear Claw -- I just have a couple that I need to do to finish those up.
3. Prepping some step outs for January classes.
I'm trying to get back to my #30minutesadaykeepscrazyaway . I am also getting back to the stash management process, as I work through the garage and realize again how much fabric I have in my stash....and how little chance I get to really work through my stash. I have this grand plan to work through it or get rid of it, which seems a little extreme, but really I'm at that point, I HAVE SO MUCH FABRIC! It's ridiculous. Embarrassingly ridiculous.
So...that's the plan for the week!!!
What are you working on this week???
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
What I have been do...ing
Watching - Arrow on Netflix....a completely guilty pleasure.
Craving - peppermint bark, the homemade kind, not the store bought kind.
Doing - lots of planning and scheming, and not a lot of sewing, but some.
Obsessing - about the dog...she's been having stomach issues lately, and it's making me a bit neurotic.
Loving - bright mornings...the one thing that I like about this time change thing. The one I hate -- dark at 430. that sucks.
Reading - cookbooks...trying to figure out what new recipe to try for Thanksgiving.
Wanting - a long weekend at my sewing machine
Pinning - knitting, lots of knitting
Dreaming - about a new car, or at least a new to me car. Thus the planning and scheming above....
Writing - patterns
Crafting - baby blankets -- seems pregnancy is catching in these parts, and I suddenly have 5 friends who are preggers, so I need to get on it.
Sewing - bags -- specifically designing bags.
Knitting - cowls....they are a new obsession
Listening - to Tony Robbins in the car....he always reminds me that better days are ahead if you are willing to put in the time and effort.
Wearing - my typical uniform -- jeans, t-shirts, and lately -- sweaters because it's finally winter in California.
Needing - to get my hair cut....I keep meaning to make an appointment, and getting distracted.
Planning - weekly meals...I don't stick with it 100%, but I've been pretty good about planning and making dinner.
Trying - new recipes....at least 1 a week. some have been good, and some, not so much....but I'm learning.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Feathered Star
So, last summer I finished my Feathered Star and dropped it off to my favorite quilter when I was in Montana last fall. It came back last night.....and boy was it worth the wait!! Carrie Barone did an absolutely amazing job with this quilt, and I could not be more pleased!!!
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Busy Busy
I don't know about you, but this time of year tends to be a bit crazy. Market is just finished and we're trying to catch up on the festivities, get ready for the holidays, and manage to get all of the regular work around here done....I'm super excited about next weekend and a plan to get a ton of sewing done, and maybe a little knitting, we'll see. This weekend will be the first time that I have been off for a whole weekend since the summer, and I have some pretty big plans....and to get it all done, I'm going to need to work on some of it during the week....so...here's the plan....
1. Make binding for Feathered Star Queen
2. Bind Feathered Star Queen
3. Make Blocks for Rocky Mountain Bear Claw
4. Border Rocky Mountain Bear Claw
5. Work on border units for Paradise in Bloom #3
So, I better go get started....
1. Make binding for Feathered Star Queen
2. Bind Feathered Star Queen
3. Make Blocks for Rocky Mountain Bear Claw
4. Border Rocky Mountain Bear Claw
5. Work on border units for Paradise in Bloom #3
So, I better go get started....
Friday, November 13, 2015
Make a List Friday
So, It's not Monday -- but I have big plans of things to do this weekend, and I thought I should record them....
1. I'm teaching on Saturday at Cozy....
2. I have big plans to finally finish cleaning and organizing the garage. When I moved in July, a lot of stuff just went in the garage, with a plan to "get around to it". Get around to it day is Sunday.
3. Sewing plans
1. I'm teaching on Saturday at Cozy....
2. I have big plans to finally finish cleaning and organizing the garage. When I moved in July, a lot of stuff just went in the garage, with a plan to "get around to it". Get around to it day is Sunday.
3. Sewing plans
- Finish blocks for 3 new designs
- cut out Rocky Mountain Bear Claw
- design 5 new quilts using some new fabrics from RJR
- organize the sewing island
- make 2 backs
- put borders on 2 quilts
- play around with Quiltworx new software : Quiltster...I feel a blog post coming up about it. I've only played with it for a few minutes but I'm already in love.
What are you planning for the weekend???
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Finish It Weekend
Yesterday was the final class of Paradise in Bloom at Cotton and Chocolate....it's hard to believe that the class has gone so fast....
Interestingly enough, we didn't have any Paradise in Bloom finishes this weekend....but we did have a few wrap ups....
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
This week I am....
Watching.....Season 4 of Once Upon a Time...my binge watching has slowed in the last few weeks, but I am still enjoying the show...though it is getting stranger, and strange every episode.
Craving....Milk Duds...it's all Halloween's fault.
Doing.....lots of cleaning. I've been trying to catch up on a bunch of housework and undone house things and trying to get caught up.
Obsessing....about socks. Specifically knitting socks....I have yet to act any on, but I must have a dozen "planned".
Loving....late night pop tarts.
Reading....The Motivation Manifesto....by Brendon Bouchard. Quite an interesting read.
Wanting.....a new haircut. I've been debating it for a while. I need a change, but I'm a coward....
Pinning....knitting projects.
Dreaming.....about painting all the furniture turquoise.
Crafting....plans for next year.
Sewing.....halloween costumes, more specifically repairing them.
Knitting....the Astronomy Hat by Lydia Brown. and loving it....except for the starting over part....the canine child got a little obsessed with the yarn, and made a mess....
Listening....to some new podcasts, I've been trying out some new ones this month
Wearing....ponchos...I love the new fashion. Not to mention that it hides all kinds of things.
Needing....some extra sleep. Work has been crazy, and I'm behind on sleep, so I need to catch up!
Planning....new quilts, and a vacation.
Trying...to save money by eating at home and staying out of the yarn store!!! I have become such a homebody lately.
Friday, October 9, 2015
Monday, October 5, 2015
What I am doing....
Watching - Once Upon a Time on Netflix-- I got introduced to this show a few weeks ago, and I have binge watched Season 1, and am about half way through Season 2....I find the writing fascinating, and the interlacing of story lines really interesting, and besides, who doesn't love Prince Charming
Dreaming - up new projects and color ways
Knitting - A Barley Hat. I finished my razzle, and moved right on to the hat, super excited to finish it up in the next week or so.
Listening - to Harry Potter on CD -- Even after 10 years, I still love the books.
Craving - Pumpkin Spice Anything.....I'm not a coffee fan, so I'd never really tried one until a few weeks ago, when I had Pumpkin Spice Hot Chocolate, which of course became an obsession, and now, the cream version of the PSF - Pumpkin Spice Frapucino
Doing - lots of planning for the fall and early spring
Obsessing - about yarn. Specifically the new OhLoops yarn from the Harry Potter Collection.
Loving - the cooler temps of the last few days....I'm SO ready for fall.
Reading - Planner Reviews, I need to by a new daily planner for 2016, and I have been looking at a few different options
Wanting - a nap, preferably a long one
Pinning - lots of socks
Writing - patterns, more specifically proofing patterns
Crafting - not much...I've been too busy at work to do much crafting, but in just a few weeks market will be wrapped up and free time will consist of crafternoons.
Sewing - binding on quilts
Wearing - sandals, lots of sandals
Needing - dental floss!!! My favorite brand has been discontinued, and I haven't yet found a good replacement.....
Planning - Harry Potter KAL projects
Trying - artichokes, I tried them for the first time this week.....they were pretty good, but quite a bit of work....
Saturday, October 3, 2015
October??? How did you get here so quickly???
I can't believe September is over...It seems like it was Labor Day Weekend just yesterday, but that was almost a month ago....not a lot has changed around here...its been really busy getting ready for shows and Market. We're at the final stages now, with Market coming in just two weeks. I'm just about ready, with just a couple of things to wrap up, which means it's time to start thinking about new projects....I've been reviewing some of my pinterest pages, and planning some upcoming projects.....which got me digging into my pinterest boards, realizing that I had some mis-filed pins and some duplicates, and the next thing I knew it was 2 hours later....and I still had half of my boards to review.....
and then I realized that for all the things that I pinned, there are very few that I have actually done.....very few recipes made, very few socks knitted and very few craft projects worked on....and I want to fix that, so starting next year, I'm spending one afternoon a month doing "Pinteresting" -- actually doing one of the pinterest projects. Knitting something that I saw, or using some yarn that I pinned, or a spray paint or organizing or cooking project....something that I haven't tried and something for fun, rather than for a deadline.....
Here are some items that might qualify...
and then I realized that for all the things that I pinned, there are very few that I have actually done.....very few recipes made, very few socks knitted and very few craft projects worked on....and I want to fix that, so starting next year, I'm spending one afternoon a month doing "Pinteresting" -- actually doing one of the pinterest projects. Knitting something that I saw, or using some yarn that I pinned, or a spray paint or organizing or cooking project....something that I haven't tried and something for fun, rather than for a deadline.....
Here are some items that might qualify...
SO, look out for some fun projects in the next few months, as I have a little DIY/Crafting fun.....
Have a great week!!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
the one where she talks about all the -ings....
The -ings are all about what's going on and insight into where my head is these days....
Watching - podcasts, lots of them....and waiting for the fall shows to start up.
Craving - ranch dressing, weird right???
Doing - market prep
Reading - more like proof-reading, haven't done any real reading, been way to busy writing patterns and working on market stuff to do any real reading, since I am pretty sure I can't count reading knitting patterns as reading.
Wanting - a long weekend at home. with Miss Penny and nothing to do.
Writing - patterns, it's that time of year....
Crafting - pillows, I made some new pillow covers last week. Hopefully I can get them finished up this week.
Sewing - market samples
Listening - to NPR, since apparently the country channel in LA has moved, and I couldn't find it...
Wearing - maxi skirts. It's been super hot lately and skirts are so much cooler than shorts in hot weather.
Needing - to be gentle with myself. I'm still sick, since mid-July I've had this "cold" that I can't get rid of. It's been tested, and basically, I have walking pneumonia, and need sleep, and rest and more rest. And a vacation....since several of those aren't feasible at the moment, I'm trying to be gentle with myself, getting to bed earlier and not being so demanding about housework and other activities.....
Trying - to be grateful and joyous. When it gets crazy busy I tend to forget all the great things, and instead focus on the things that aren't quite right. So I am making a conscious effort to be grateful and joyous when things get busy this year.
Monday, September 7, 2015
Pattern Parade : Prismatic Star
One of the things I love most about quilting is that a simple fabric change can drastically change a design...
This weekend I'm teaching in Thousand Oaks at Cotton and Chocolate, and several of my students have finished their Prismatic Stars, with amazing results.
This pattern is really easy and really forgiving. It uses a Judy a Bali Pop by Hoffman (48 strips), and takes on a watercolor look in it's original plan, but can be made dramatically different with a simple change or two....
This one is mine, can you see where I rotated the center diamonds (orange, pink, orange, pink, as opposed to orange, orange, pink, pink). Sorry about the pic, apparently I don't have any straight on shots of mine.
Lauren used a regular Bali pop (40 strips) and 1/2 yard each of the absolute lightest (fabric 1), and darkest (fabric 8). She also did the rotated center that I did. It added consistency and the sparkle. Lauren also used a printed background (rather than a semi-solid), it created so much movement.
Ilsa stayed with the original layout (grouped center) and used the celery background....
And today, Judy worked on a 4 color version...and I can't wait to see how it turns out...but we'll have to save that for now....stay tuned for more info next month!!!
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Task List Tuesday
Well, several of last week's plans were foiled by crazy hot weather and catching up on all of the things that happened when I was away.....
So, the garage is still a mess, I just couldn't work on it when it was 110 degrees in the garage. I just couldn't do it. So instead, I puttered around the living room and did some sewing and some relaxing. It was lovely. Lovely.
But that means that I am behind on a few things....and adding a few new things that need to get done this week.
1. Finish up the last 4 blocks for Judy. Almost done, should be sending these out later today.
2. Bind Split Up.
3. Classes this week : at Monica's on Wednesday, and at Cotton and Chocolate this weekend for Labor Day.
4. Cut and Prep for Sailors Sandcastle trip.
5. Final Prep for the San Diego Quilt Show (weekend of the 12th).
6. Finish New pattern #2 for Market.
7. Start New pattern #3 for Market.
That is plenty for the week, I'm tired just thinking about it......so I better get going and get started.
See you next week and we'll see how well I did in getting things done....
So, the garage is still a mess, I just couldn't work on it when it was 110 degrees in the garage. I just couldn't do it. So instead, I puttered around the living room and did some sewing and some relaxing. It was lovely. Lovely.
But that means that I am behind on a few things....and adding a few new things that need to get done this week.
1. Finish up the last 4 blocks for Judy. Almost done, should be sending these out later today.
2. Bind Split Up.
3. Classes this week : at Monica's on Wednesday, and at Cotton and Chocolate this weekend for Labor Day.
4. Cut and Prep for Sailors Sandcastle trip.
5. Final Prep for the San Diego Quilt Show (weekend of the 12th).
6. Finish New pattern #2 for Market.
7. Start New pattern #3 for Market.
That is plenty for the week, I'm tired just thinking about it......so I better get going and get started.
See you next week and we'll see how well I did in getting things done....
Monday, August 31, 2015
Monday Musings
It's late Monday, and I meant to get this up earlier in the day but it just didn't happen.....I'm just plotting and planning the week, and these are the things I am ......
Watching - podcasts, lots of podcasts....this week I am super excited about the OhLoops Podcast that they released last night....
Craving - strawberry shortcake, I think it's the end of summer thing....
Doing - nothing....I made a mistake on a pattern so the project is in time out. And I can't get motivated to do something different at the moment.
Obsessing - about the Harry Potter KnitALong (KAL) that starts tomorrow. I will be at platform 9 3/4 as precisely 10am to get aboard the Hogwarts Express for the KAL. Can't wait!!!!
Loving - getting organized -- finally. Really organized. not that I am anywhere close to finished, but it's nice to be seeing progress.
Reading - The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo.....her approach to things is brilliant but a bit overwhelming.
Wanting - more time. Market is quickly approaching, and I am feeling a bit behind.
Pinning - knitted blankets....there are several I want to work on.
Dreaming - about knitting
Writing - patterns. Lots of patterns.
Crafting - new pillows for the couch
Sewing - samples for market
Knitting - on my Razzle.
Listening - to Luke Bryan's new album. So far, I love it. It's very different, more serious, but loving it.
Wearing - long skirts and tshirts, it's so much cooler than shorts in this crazy summer heat....
Needing - to clean out the car. Seriously, it's disgusting. It needs a bath.
and that is all the verbs in my life this week....
what are you doing lately???
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Task List Tuesday
Well, it's Tuesday and there a bazillion things to catch up on after 15 days away. A puppy to be loved on, laundry to do, and housework to catch up on, but of course all that I can think about is all of the things I want to get done for upcoming shows and Market....which is only 2 months away (how did that happen???). I was going to be so ready this time!!!
Thankfully, most of the major designing is done, and it's just samples to finish making before market, but it is still a lot considering how little time is left between now and then....and of course, throw in a couple of Judy UFOs that are a.) bothering me or b.) needed for a class soon after Market, and life is suddenly very very busy on the sewing front....so, I've made my lists for the next few weeks, and reviewed the schedules, and here is what I am left with for this week....
Week of August 24-30
1. Make a backing for Shooting Stars
2. Make sample #1 for Market, including writing the pattern
3. Teach - Wednesday (Monica's in Palm Desert), Friday (Orange Quilt Bee in Orange) and Sunday (The SewnSew in Glendora).
4. Bind Split Up
5. Finish unpacking the garage - that will likely require all day Saturday
Do you write lists to help you manage things???
Happy Quilting
Thankfully, most of the major designing is done, and it's just samples to finish making before market, but it is still a lot considering how little time is left between now and then....and of course, throw in a couple of Judy UFOs that are a.) bothering me or b.) needed for a class soon after Market, and life is suddenly very very busy on the sewing front....so, I've made my lists for the next few weeks, and reviewed the schedules, and here is what I am left with for this week....
Week of August 24-30
1. Make a backing for Shooting Stars
2. Make sample #1 for Market, including writing the pattern
3. Teach - Wednesday (Monica's in Palm Desert), Friday (Orange Quilt Bee in Orange) and Sunday (The SewnSew in Glendora).
4. Bind Split Up
5. Finish unpacking the garage - that will likely require all day Saturday
Do you write lists to help you manage things???
Happy Quilting
Monday, August 24, 2015
Monday Musings -- and a List
Because I love a good list....
It's Monday, and I am back from a lovely trip to Montana. I hosted a retreat group with some lovely ladies, whom I would now consider friends. We were a small group, just 5 total, and the size of the group was ideal for retreat. We ate great, simple food, we enjoyed each others company and we really got to know each other. It was a great respite in what has been a tough summer. I'm not complaining, life is good, but this summer has been a tough one with a multitude of changes, and it's share of stress. I am glad to be moving on from summer and gearing up for a very busy and productive Autumn, and some lovely upcoming projects and experiences.
I thought we would start this monday with a list (because you know just how much I love a good list).....so lets get started...
Feeling : a bit sad that I missed a friend's wedding this weekend (congrats Brooke and Luke, love you guys), and excited for a week at home to recover from 13 days on the road.
Watching : knitting podcasts, I have become a bit obsessed (and a bit stalkerish)....
Craving : French Onion Dip -- we had some at retreat, I had forgotten how good it is, fattening, but yummy.
Lunching : brown bagging it -- this week PB&J
Doing : lots of catching up on things
Obsessing : over the new Malam Batiks that arrived at work.....Jinny Beyer you are a genius!!!
Loving : my Viking. I forget how much I love her until I use something else.
Reading : Drums of Autumn by Diana Gabaldon
Wanting : yarn -- specifically a skein of Sun and Sea on the Assockilate Base from The Cyborgs CraftRoom - one of my favorite online yarn shops
Pinning - Organization and Back to School Hacks
Dreaming - of painting my bedroom the palest teal in the yarn above....
Writing -- patterns for market
Sewing - backing for Shooting Stars -- I need to get it to the quilter this week
Knitting - My Razzle, still have quite a ways to go, the short rows are no longer short. I really wanted to be done with this one, so it better behave or it might get frogged.
Listening - the new Gloriana CD -- I can't remember the title at the moment, but it is on repeat in the car
Wearing - Harry Potter tshirts - It's back to school time!!!
Needing - to clean and organize, see Pinning above
Planning - October trips, and 2016 Q1 speaking engagements
Trying - to get back on routine
SO, that's about all the -ing for me this week...what about you??? are you -ing anything exciting???
Do tell.....
It's Monday, and I am back from a lovely trip to Montana. I hosted a retreat group with some lovely ladies, whom I would now consider friends. We were a small group, just 5 total, and the size of the group was ideal for retreat. We ate great, simple food, we enjoyed each others company and we really got to know each other. It was a great respite in what has been a tough summer. I'm not complaining, life is good, but this summer has been a tough one with a multitude of changes, and it's share of stress. I am glad to be moving on from summer and gearing up for a very busy and productive Autumn, and some lovely upcoming projects and experiences.
I thought we would start this monday with a list (because you know just how much I love a good list).....so lets get started...
Feeling : a bit sad that I missed a friend's wedding this weekend (congrats Brooke and Luke, love you guys), and excited for a week at home to recover from 13 days on the road.
Watching : knitting podcasts, I have become a bit obsessed (and a bit stalkerish)....
Craving : French Onion Dip -- we had some at retreat, I had forgotten how good it is, fattening, but yummy.
Lunching : brown bagging it -- this week PB&J
Doing : lots of catching up on things
Obsessing : over the new Malam Batiks that arrived at work.....Jinny Beyer you are a genius!!!
Loving : my Viking. I forget how much I love her until I use something else.
Reading : Drums of Autumn by Diana Gabaldon
Wanting : yarn -- specifically a skein of Sun and Sea on the Assockilate Base from The Cyborgs CraftRoom - one of my favorite online yarn shops
Pinning - Organization and Back to School Hacks
Dreaming - of painting my bedroom the palest teal in the yarn above....
Writing -- patterns for market
Sewing - backing for Shooting Stars -- I need to get it to the quilter this week
Knitting - My Razzle, still have quite a ways to go, the short rows are no longer short. I really wanted to be done with this one, so it better behave or it might get frogged.
Listening - the new Gloriana CD -- I can't remember the title at the moment, but it is on repeat in the car
Wearing - Harry Potter tshirts - It's back to school time!!!
Needing - to clean and organize, see Pinning above
Planning - October trips, and 2016 Q1 speaking engagements
Trying - to get back on routine
SO, that's about all the -ing for me this week...what about you??? are you -ing anything exciting???
Do tell.....
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Montana a Retreat Day 3&4
Somehow I lost a day.....not sure how that happened, but it's Thursday....which is Day 4...so somewhere a day has disappeared.
This is one of the days that you love as a teacher, when you start to really see things come together....
Bali Wedding Stars begin to appear....
Cactus Rose made it to the wall in a sudden proliferation of flowers....I'm loving the dark background she used on this one...
Tomorrow is our final real day at retreat, and it will be fun to see how it all turns out....
What have you been working on this week....
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Montana -Day 2
Today was crazy busy at the training center, but not a lot changed on the walls....
We ran into town for a little shopping, and stopped at Norm's News for lunch. The burgers and fries were amazing, and the soda fountain was open for made to order custom shakes, malts, and floats. Of course there was huckleberry ice cream, and licorice ice cream....licorice ice cream, can't say I tried it, but I did think about it! Just to say I did....
We came back to the training center late in the afternoon and got some sewing done, and watch a couple of chick flicks while we sewed. Tomorrow, we are planning to watch the A&E version of Pride and Prejudice, and I am super excited about that!
Here's today's boards as of 11pm... Yes, there are still people sewing, but I am going to bed!
Monday, August 17, 2015
Montana - Day 1
It's the end of Day 1 of my retreat at the quiltworx Training Center in Kalispell, Montana. We've had a great day.....we sewed quite a bit, visited across the way with Cindi,Carolyn, Shila, and Tammy Doane (hey girls!), and met some new people that have joined the team. It's always fun to put names with faces, as well as see old friends.
I wanted to show you the gorgeous quilts that adorned the walls of the classroom when we arrived...Shila did a great job prepping everything for us, and did a great job decorating the classroom....
Osprey's Nest on the Lake on the West wall of the classroom...
Also on the West wall (on the other side of the front door), were Prairie Pinwheels and Compass Rose Tablerunner.
The south wall had a pair of Summer Solstice quilts, I love how versatile this pattern is.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Settled??? Normal??? Yeah, right...
Well, it is mid-August...we're squarely into the 2nd week of August and just a few days away from a long awaited trip to Montana!!! I'm hosting a retreat at the Quiltworx Training Center in Kalispell, and I am ready. I think. Ok, I technically haven't packed, but the lists are made, and the plans are all settled....and I am as mentally ready as I can get at this point. Hopefully, I have everything, and if not, then hello Walmart!!! What did they do before Walmart (or Target) were everywhere....
But before I get on with my adventure, I have a couple of other things to do....
1. Guild Presentation and Workshop at Antelope Valley -- the presentation in Thursday Night, and the workshop is on Saturday. I am super excited about this return trip. Last time we worked on wedding rings, so this will be a nice change of pace.
2. Pack
3. Figure out which projects I am taking for #30minutesadaykeepscrazyaway. Because I'm on a bit of a streak this week, and I wouldn't want to ruin it by not having enough things to do (hello binding).
4. Update the website. I have about 15 new products to add, items that have trickled in this month in a one off scenario, I just need to get them up on the website.
5. Update the online calendar on the Quiltworx site....there are so many things going on that aren't on there...it is kinda sad....
So, back to work for me....I leave for AVQA at noon tomorrow, so I better get to it if I wanna get packed....
See you soon!!!
But before I get on with my adventure, I have a couple of other things to do....
1. Guild Presentation and Workshop at Antelope Valley -- the presentation in Thursday Night, and the workshop is on Saturday. I am super excited about this return trip. Last time we worked on wedding rings, so this will be a nice change of pace.
2. Pack
3. Figure out which projects I am taking for #30minutesadaykeepscrazyaway. Because I'm on a bit of a streak this week, and I wouldn't want to ruin it by not having enough things to do (hello binding).
4. Update the website. I have about 15 new products to add, items that have trickled in this month in a one off scenario, I just need to get them up on the website.
5. Update the online calendar on the Quiltworx site....there are so many things going on that aren't on there...it is kinda sad....
So, back to work for me....I leave for AVQA at noon tomorrow, so I better get to it if I wanna get packed....
See you soon!!!
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Moving and the Accumulation of Stuff
How is it that every time I move, I say, next time, I'm going to purge as I pack and not take all this stuff with me. I'm going to change my habits and only buy what I need for a project, and not for stash? And yet, here we are in the midst of the next move, saying it all over again....
I'm to that point that it's get it done, and make it pretty (or organized, or downsized) later. I'm tired of packing, the goodwill guys know me by name, and yet I still seem to have more fabric, more yarn, and more stuff!!!
I really want to make a major alteration to my life, to my lifestyle, and use the stuff I have before I get more. I want to work from my stash (yarn and fabric), and I really want to downsize some finished projects that need a forever home, and someone to love and appreciate them!
Once I get settled (or essentially September, according to the crazy calendar), I'm bringing back the Stash Bash, I'm starting nostashspend immediately, but won't have any serious sewing time until the schedule quiets a bit, and I am home long enough to make a dent...in the meantime, life (and the blog) will likely be filled with cleaning, organizing and general losing your marbles posts....just keeping it real.
Does anyone else hate moving? I love the idea and all the after benefits (more space, better neighborhood, closer to the dog park, a yard and pool), but I sure hate the process of packing, and sorting, and purging, and then physically moving everything. Just not any fun in my humble opinion. I know it will be fine 48 hours from now, but right now, that seems a long way and a lot of boxes away...
From the chaos...
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Eureka, CA - Heart of the Redwoods Show
Well, it has been a crazy week here. We are in Eureka this weekend for the Heart of the Redwoods Show, and the booth looks super cute! The pics are a little blurry, since the lighting was inconsistent at the fairgrounds.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
July Plans and Dreams
So, July is scheduled to be a CRAZY month. 3 shows, 5 teaching gigs, and time to finish designing for Fall Market. And a move. Yeah, no biggie, let's just throw a move in the mix. It's super exciting and scary all at the same time. The To Do list is insane, which I generally love, but right now, it is a little frightening....so here goes....my July best laid plans....
1. Finish, quilt and bind Prismatic Star quilt #2
2. Bind Luster
3. Finish knitting Razzle
4. Finish appliqué for Paradise in Bloom
5. Finish components for WoodCarver's Star
6. Finalize design work
7. Pack the house
8. Finish purging the house using Marie Kondo's method (the Magic Art of Tidying Up)
9. No yarn purchasing, no fabric purchases except those items required to complete a project. Period.
10. Make master UFO list and prioritize
11. Move
12. Start working through #10
13. Sleep
And that is my 13 things for July 2015.
Here's my current status on Razzle...I currently have 106 stitches on my short row needle, so on row 51 of 156 rows, and the rows only get bigger from here...wish me luck....
Friday, July 10, 2015
Oregon Summer Quilt Expo -Booth Tour
The big picture of my little booth...I had to go inside my neighbor's booth to get a good pic of the whole thing....
Compass Rose, Prairie Pinwheels, Tea Time Placemats, Forever Yours, and Winter Wonderland!
Step by Step Rainbow.
Prismatic Star
Celebration Tree Skirt, A Touch of Spring, Dancing with the Stars, and Bali Bedrunner.
Parallel Universe, Seasonal Tablerunner, Meandering Stars, and a small version of Luster.
And finally....
The new minis! Pre-cut and ready to sew! Just open them up and sew them. The kits include batting, backing, and even the hanging sleeve fabric.
Now, off to get the show open!
See you next time!
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