Tuesday, July 14, 2015

July Plans and Dreams

So, July is scheduled to be a CRAZY month. 3 shows, 5 teaching gigs, and time to finish designing for Fall Market. And a move. Yeah, no biggie, let's just throw a move in the mix. It's super exciting and scary all at the same time. The To Do list is insane, which I generally love, but right now, it is a little frightening....so here goes....my July best laid plans....

1. Finish, quilt and bind Prismatic Star quilt #2
2. Bind Luster
3. Finish knitting Razzle
4. Finish appliqué for Paradise in Bloom
5. Finish components for WoodCarver's Star
6. Finalize design work
7. Pack the house
8. Finish purging the house using Marie Kondo's method (the Magic Art of Tidying Up)
9. No yarn purchasing, no fabric purchases except those items required to complete a project. Period.
10. Make master UFO list and prioritize
11. Move
12. Start working through #10
13. Sleep

And that is my 13 things for July 2015.

Here's my current status on Razzle...I currently have 106 stitches on my short row needle, so on row 51 of 156 rows, and the rows only get bigger from here...wish me luck....

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