Thursday, September 4, 2014

Maybe I'm Crazy, and late night ramblings

okay, those of you who know me, know that I am!!!! HAHAHA!!!! Seriously, I'm making myself crazy lately. Can't focus, can't get anything finished, and it is driving me crazy!!!

Does anyone else have this issue at this time of year, flitting from one thing to another, and getting very little accomplished as a result. I know that part of it is the madness called market prep, but so much of it is my own expectations for myself. Have a perfect house, a great job, fulfilling career, great hobby that is creatively inspiring, fit body, good diet, etc etc etc.....and this list goes on and on and on....and we beat ourselves up when the budgets are tight and the things are lingering, and the house is a mess, and the groceries have not been purchased.....And we constantly bombard ourselves with images of perfection - perfect houses, bodies, blogs, pictures, etc, etc, etc. We forget that the intention for this blog is self accountability and self journaling, we start thinking of it as work and another place we need to be "perfect" and "on" and we start hiding things from our readers, and the blog stops being fun, and starts feeling like work.....

We cram so much into a single day that we forget to enjoy the day and the week and the month. Forget to enjoy our friends and the littles, and worry instead about the to do list and the expectations. So, I'm boycotting, for the next 12 hours, I am going to do absolutely nothing. Except maybe sleep, and eat a donut. Because life needs a little fun and a little less stress, for 12 hours. In 12 hours, it's back to the to do list. And part of that to do list is figuring out what this blog is about....what is it's purpose - professional, business, combo, personal accountability, topics etc....for a long time, it was mine and about whatever I chose, but with the business growing it is more often than not a location students come to for information....which I am fine with, but it changes the focus (or should at least)...
So, until I figure out where I am heading with this blog, I may be a little quieter than normal (or not, depending), I need to figure out whether it's work or fun, and how that changes things....

so, until then, happy sewing (and donut eating)....


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