Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Pinterest Interest

Do you ever dream about being a Pinterest Goddess?? You know, a person who can do any one of those amazing pinterest projects? I do, quite often in fact. I see these amazing projects and want to go out and immediately buy all of the supplies needed to do these projects....paper, glue, stain, boxes, peg board, lumber, crates, pallets, and any number of other craft items that would be needed. And a few I actually buy the stuff for, and yet they sit in the garage or in the sewing room, not yet started, or not quite finished. Call it the perfectionist in me, but I have big plans and I can "see" what I want, but I get paralyzed by the fear of the Pinterest Fail. You know what I am talking about....where you did everything according to the directions and it all goes to pot anyway, and you end up with just a big fat mess. So, I'm going to have to get over that, and soon. It's time to jump in and actually do some of these, here's some of the ones I want to do....

The boards that house 12,300 pins. Yes, that is a lot of pins.......

Just a few knitting projects - 2608 of them.....okay, in all fairness, there are quite a few that are knitting instructions or knitting website or stitch references.

Some organizing jobs that I want to do....

Some personal organizing that I want to do.

some recipes I want to try.....

and some self help info that I want to review

a little decorating

and a little more organizing....

So, lots of projects are in my future. I really want to move things from the planning list, or the interest list to the done list, even if it is really just a matter of combining the ideas together and coming up with an actual plan.....

now, off to work on those plans....

Do you have any projects that you are planning??? Do you over pin, like I do??? Do you lose hours pinning socks, and organizing tips, and recipes??? Do you have any solutions for this illness??? 

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