Thursday, April 18, 2019

Projects In Process

In my last post I talked about all of the things that I am dreaming of starting, but the reality is, I have SO MANY PROJECTS in process right now. Some I have been working on for years (yes, years), and some I just started a few weeks ago.....I really need to get on track and get some stuff done, but I am continuing to struggle with the sewing on the road (more appropriately stated the sewing I am not getting done on the road). I do enjoy the new job and my clients, but I miss sewing every day. I have realized just how much sewing is good for my soul and my mental health. So, I'm trying to get back to it, and get reorganized and re-energized. I thought a good place to start would be to put together a calendar of that I have someone to be accountable to, even if it is just my online journal....

So, here's the plan....

1. Finish the Applique on Scandinavian Snowflake. I have turned all of the shapes, they just need to be glued down and have the hand sewing done.

2. My Violet Craft  Elephant - I have completed through section 40, but there are 70 sections left, so nowhere close to being done.

3. Diamond Wedding Star -- The Rings are done, but I need to make the stars, and cut all the backgrounds.....I will definitely be taking this one to Montana in May for a little TLC.

So that's my marching orders for the next few weeks. I am hoping to have all of these done by the time I get back from Montana on June 2nd. But that is a pretty aggressive schedule, so we'll just have to see how it goes.

Do you have projects that are lingering, or is it just me????

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