Sunday, November 27, 2016

What I've Been Up To....

It's been a crazy couple of weeks, but life appears to be getting back to normal, I'm starting to get back to my normal life and schedules, which means it is time to look at what's happening around here...

Watching - Hart of Dixie -- I finished binge watching the entire series earlier this week. I must admit I was a little disappointed with the last season, but you know how it goes it gets once you know what is going to happen, it gets too predictable....

Craving - Post Thanksgiving feast food. It's my favorite. Thank goodness it's that time of year.

Doing - lots of cleaning! With all the things going on and all of the events of the season it's fall cleaning season! 

Obsessing - over yarn, there are SO MANY new amazing ones being released it's been really hard to resist putting them all in my ETSY cart.

Loving - the long dark evenings....I always initially hate the changeover, and struggle to find my mojo, but once I find it again, there are so many hours of sewing available!!!

Reading - Rachel Cruz's new book  - Love Your Life - Not Theirs

Wanting - a new freezer - with all of the meal planning and cooking that I have been doing I need a big chest freezer, so I put that on my Christmas list....I wonder if Santa has connections at Sears?

Pinning - lots of food. lots and lots of food.

Dreaming - about beautiful linens and decorating. Not sure what that is about, but I have been dreaming about completely redecorating.... 

Writing - not much. I really need to get back to writing.

Crafting - not much....

Sewing - not much either, though I have my mojo back, so you will likely see more of that in the near future.

Knitting - Christmas knitting, which as you know is super secret knitting, so no further discussion is allowed.

Listening - to Brian Tracy, what can I say self help and productivity is my jam.

Wearing - pajamas, lots of pajamas. That's the joy of a 4 day weekend!

Needing - to wash the I write this post, I am sitting on the couch watching Practical Magic and seeing all of the dog nose prints, handprints, rain paths, and general dust on the windows. Funny that this is completely distracting at the moment.

Planning - meals. I'm doing a new bi-weekly meal plan, rather than a weekly meal plan, and it is proving to be interesting. Definitely good for the budgeting and saving money, but it is proving interesting in the planning department, especially with schedules changing over the two week period. For example, I made tacos expecting to have 6 people over, but it was just me and Josh, so we had lots of tacos. The following day, I thought we just had 4, so I just made enough for 4, and but we had 8 people for dinner, so I had to "make up" some extra sides. Thank goodness I had plenty of stuff, but it meant I had no sides for the following day, and had to make a stop at the store. 

Trying new recipes, specifically Turkey and Dumplings and homemade scalloped potatoes. Both were excellent, and I am super happy with them.

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